Sunday 15 February 2015

Glass painting using abstract desgins

The outline
Over this weekend I received a confirmed order to make a glass painting using abstract design. I really like making abstract designs and art forms as my mind can be free from any encumbrances when I make them. I can use techniques of my choice and create a painting that everyone likes.

The final piece
So, off I began. In a matter of a few minutes my hand was drawing the outline of what was to be my next art piece. Drawing the outline is the most fun part as it gives form and life to an otherwise simple glass piece. Soon, the layout was ready and I was keen to start pouring in colors.

Now my requester had made a unique requests, as all buyers do. She wanted more blue shades in the piece, a challenge I relish. Soon I was picking between turquoises and various shades of sky & dark blue not to mention the purples.

Finally as the sun was about to disappear behind the mountains my art piece was ready - with my signature on it.

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