Monday 9 February 2015

Kejriwal is coming to Delhi!

Ghost - The Kejri Rider
With the election extravaganza hogging all TV channels I couldn't stay aloof. Since most of the channels were predicting a win by Kejriwal, I just decided to innovate. Kejri - The ghost rider.

Armed with a pen, a few pencil colors
lying on my desk and some free time up my sleeve I got drawing as I flicked through multiple channels waiting for my hubby to come home. I had to capture his flamboyant anarchist style of operation and his zest to win the chair. Above all, I had to capture his destroyer of all evil view!

Put together, I had the perfect Ghost Rider! Tax Man by profession, IITian by education, self declared Anarchist and a muffler lover by actions - ta' da'! Out comes the Kejri Rider. 

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